Privacy Policy

Dear Visitor,

Pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. June 30, 2003, n. 196, containing provisions for the protection of personal data, Barbacci srl, Via Antonio Gramsci 1, Greve in Chianti, 50022, Florence (IT), as owner of the processing, wishes to inform you that your personal data collected through the site (the “Site”), will be used for the following purposes:
a) to allow the management of the relationship between the Visitor / Customer and our company;
b) for administrative purposes related to the demands of the Visitor / Customer, or for the fulfillment of legal obligations;
c) to permit, subject to your consent, the registration to the “newsletter”
d) to allow the proper execution of purchases through the “Site”;
e) to allow, subject to your consent, conducting marketing activities such as the sending of advertising material, information and promotion, as well as for market research;
f) with respect to only the e-mail address provided upon purchase of a product from the “Site”, to allow the direct sale products or similar services (so-called soft spam) in accordance with the provisions of the Code dall’art.130 Privacy, save the right to object at any time to such processing;

1.Il providing data with respect to the purposes referred to in paragraphs a), b), d) is optional, but refusal will make it impossible for our Company to perform the required tasks, and give run to contractual commitments .
The provision of data compared to the purposes referred to in points c), f), g) is optional and their use is subject to the release of your express consent. Any refusal will make it impossible to proceed with the subscription to the “newsletter”, the “club joys of life” to sending in your favor of information and publicity material, brochures and communications relating to products, promotions and services offered by our company.

As pertaining to send advertising, promotional, informative and / or brochures point out that the consent to the processing of personal data can be revoked at any time by selecting the “delete box, which can be accessed via a link contained in communications sent.

2. The processing of your personal data will be mainly carried out through information technology, electronic or automated to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data, in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act.
We also inform that our Company uses the IP addresses of visitors, in a totally anonymous, to monitor the traffic on the site.

3. The personal data will be processed by staff and employees of our company, as in charge of the treatment. Personal data may be transferred abroad, with companies owned and / or part of Barbacci srl.

The data provided, if needed for the execution of the service requested, will be communicated to the categories of persons mentioned below:

subsidiaries and / or affiliates in Barbacci srl;
Post offices, or other correspondence agencies, couriers, other;
Banks & financial institutions, payment processing systems through credit cards;
People, companies associations and / or professional offices who carry out assistance and consultation to our company, including paying the management, maintenance and updating of hardware and software systems;
And insurance companies;
public bodies, judicial offices, Chambers of Commerce for fulfillment of obligations under the law;

4. The data controller is the company Barbacci srl, Via Antonio Gramsci 1, Greve in Chianti, 50022, Florence (IT) EMail:
Responsible for the processing of your personal data, for which you can exercise your rights under Art. 7 of the Privacy Code, is the Chief Executive Officer pro tempore of the Company, which may contact through the address:

5. Personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to ensure the proper performance of the services, without prejudice to the need for conservation for a longer period pursuant to law, including tax and other provisions.
Upon expiry of this period, the personal data will be processed anonymously.
The consent given for the use of personal data for marketing purposes can be revoked at any time, by simple request to be sent to the email address:

6. Under Article. 7 of the Privacy Code (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003), in addition to the information provided in this form, you have the right to obtain confirmation at every moment of existence of data concerning him at our Company, if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form;

The interested party also has the right to obtain confirmation:
a) the origin of personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of treatment;
c) the logic applied in case of processing with the aid of electronic instruments;
d) the identity of the owner, manager and the designated representative;
e) subjects or categories of persons to whom the data may be communicated or who may become aware of as designated representative in the State, managers or agents.

The party has the right to:
a) l ‘updating, rectification or integration of data;
b) the cancellation, anonymization or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) certification that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, also as regards their content, to those to whom the data were communicated or disclosed, except if this requirement It proves impossible or involves a use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

The person concerned is finally right to object in whole or in part:

a) for legitimate reasons the processing of personal data, pertinent for collection purposes;
b) to the processing of personal data for purposes of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

The above rights may be exercised upon request to the data controller at the address: